Saturday, November 20, 2021

Snake Pit #1 - by Yavuz Demirhan


This is a very nicely designed puzzle beautifully crafted by Yavuz in Wenge and Shedua, you can grab yourself a copy from Hendrik Haak’s Puzzle shop.

Here’s an excerpt from ‘The Metagrobologist’:

“The puzzle in question is called ‘Snake Pit No.1’ and is designed and manufactured by Yavuz Demirhan. It is a Packing Puzzle under the Assembly (ASS) Non-Interlocking classification* of James Dalgety & Edward Hordern (

Yavuz is consistently designing and making new, challenging puzzle designs (he now has over 558 on the terrific (, and all of his puzzles from CuboZone have unique and interesting mechanics and beautifully handcrafted. Recently, Yavuz shared news of a new limited edition puzzle collection of ten packing puzzles and these sold out quickly as per usual. ‘Snake Pit‘ is just one of the ten puzzles he made available in the collection and it is a simple-looking puzzle consisting of just 8 pieces (quad pairs that are congruent) plus the box, that has an acrylic cover. The objective of this puzzle is to simply try and pack the 8 pieces into space within the box. The difficulty arises from placing the pieces within the acrylic cover that appears on both sides of the box within the void inside.

But, let me back up. Snake Pit is a wonderful new Mechanical Wooden Puzzle. Damn it, I can’t stop playing. I’m a committed, full-on Snake Pit/Yavuz Demirhan packing puzzle addict.

To begin, a good technique is to first examine the pieces and spend time playing with the pieces both outside and in the box to understand just how they interact with each other, and what movements are possible. This often involves eliminating any all of the possibilities that don’t use rotation and making the shape outside the box before fitting them inside. In Snake Pit No.1, the pieces are 8 pieces all fit snug inside and we spent around 2 days working on this puzzle, trying to figure out how we could re-arrange and slide the pieces into the box before the Aha! moment hit us.


The puzzle offers one solution (disassembly is level”

Here’s a short description from Puzzlemaster we’re this puzzle can be purchased and are made by Yavuz:

“This aptly named box is a packing problem puzzle in which you must fit 8 wooden blocks into the box. The shape of the pieces could be compared to cobras standing up on their tails. There is a restricted top to the box that has a hole which restricts the movement of the pieces. This version has more pieces and a slightly larger (square) box than its counterpart , Snake Pit #2.”

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