Wednesday, January 26, 2022

T-Box - Haym Hirsh by Wood Wonders

When I first seen pics of this design I immediately thought I had to try and get one but it just didn’t work out so thankfully I was finally able to acquire one in a trade!

Here's what Brian said:  Please visit Wood Wonders to stay informed of his wonderful puzzle offerings!

“When I saw the name for this, my mind immediately went to creating an old fashioned "Tea Box". I thought the simple box with it's relatively small obstructions and rather plain "T'" shaped pieces provide quite the challenge, but I felt it could use something to make it look a little fancier. The laser work on the box added a good bit of time, but I thought the end product was worth the time. This was Haym's exchange puzzle at IPP a few years ago.

Simply pack the 6 identical pieces into the box and close the lid!”

Bloodwood Box with Bird’s Eye Maple Pieces

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