Friday, February 18, 2022

Belopo - Alfons Eyckmans by Pelikan


Alfons designs some of the most elaborate burr puzzles and this one is no exception.  Beautifully crafted from Wenge and Zebrawood by Jakub at Pelikan.  

It wasn’t until I fully disassembled this puzzle that I realized that this was a cleverly disguised 6 piece burr wrapped in a framework of pieces, it’s quite the challenge to reassemble as there are some tricky manoeuvres that need to be accomplished to slip in the last few pieces.

The fit and finish is outstanding with some silky smooth movements, do yourself a favour and pick one up for yourself at Pelikan

Kevin Sadler wrote about it:

“This stunning burr made from Zebrano and Wenge is another design by Alfons Eyckmans. I have to admit that I was really quite frightened to attempt it…I have a few mixed board and stick burrs from Alfons and a couple are trapped in a position that I cannot get out of. The movements can get very complex and a simple man like me easily gets confused/lost. This puzzle is a 6 piece burr trapped in a frame – only later on did I realise that the frame is not what I thought it was – surprisingly, the frame is actually constructed from 12 identical very simple burr sticks. Movements of the pieces are smooth as silk and there are only a few blind ends. I needn’t have been frightened as this particular design is very logical to explore and reveals its secrets without getting lost too easily. It remains stably assembled for quite some time allowing careful removal of individual pieces and keeping track. I was able to keep it together as an ordered puzzle right to the very end. I should have been able to reassemble it had I not had a cat move and scramble my careful organised pile of pieces in my lap and chair. Creating a Burrtools file will be a real pleasure for this one.”

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