Friday, February 18, 2022

Juno’s Splitted 12

This puzzle gets very confusing fast as the pieces seem to want to shuffle in every direction.  Unlike a traditional burr this one uses a mix of different burr piece cross sections (similar to Plumply) which give it a really cool look in the assembled state but unbelievably confusing to disassemble.  Juno’s fine craftsmanship shines on this one!

Here’s Juno’s Description at Pluredro 

“The puzzle has unique level 17-22 solution, and is not meant to be solved by a human being. It can be disassembled if you try harder but assembling the puzzle without any clue is almost impossible. It will be great if you can disassemble the first piece. Disassembling the second piece is more challenging and when you successfully reach the point, we suggest you stop there and reassemble the first two pieces before you forget what you have done.

By choosing an appropriate orientation and how to hold the pieces, the puzzle can be assembled only by two hands. Many pieces have a tendency to move in different directions at will when being assembled or disassembled, which makes it difficult to know which state you are in.

Juno has been studying 12 piece burr that consists of six 2 x 2 profile pieces and another six 3 x 1 pieces. So far we have launched Stretchy 12, Staggered 12, and Plumply 12. Splitted 12 is the latest addition to the three brothers.

Size: 87 mm x 87 mm x 87 mm

Number of pieces: 12

Material: Jarrah, Sassafras, and PNG Rosewood

Designer: Junichi Yananose (Juno)”

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