Friday, July 15, 2022

Exhaust - Émil Áskerli by Cubicdissection

This puzzle will have you going in circles, it’s a very clever design by Emil with some very nice craftsmanship from Eric.

It’s still available and I highly recommend you grab yourself a copy!

Here's Eric's description from Cubicdissection:

"Exhaust is a very unusual six-piece interlocking burr that combines board and burr piece shapes to achieve a fascinating symmetry. The two board and two burr pieces interact with the two hybrid-style pieces to create an unusual challenge. The solution is devious and clever.

Construction of Exhaust went very well. The end-grain joints of the hybrid pieces are reinforced by a half-shoulder for strength, ensuring that this puzzle will stand the test of time without mechanical failure. Exhaust looks, solves, and feels like the heirloom pieces it is.

62 copies are available for this release, each signed and dated.”

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