Saturday, July 16, 2022

Partially Crooked 6 Board Burr by Juno

This is another Board Burr from the brilliant puzzle craftsman Juno, drop by Pluredro and snag yourself a copy!

Here’s Juno’s description:

“This is a hybrid design of a normal 6 Board Burr and a Crooked 6 Bobard Burr. Since crooked 6 Board Burrs do not seem to have higher level solution due to the shapes of the pieces, Juno decided to make only three pieces crooked out of the consisting six board shaped pieces in this design. It was a good guess and his piece selection was successfully derived with a unique solution of a level 15-5-1-2 puzzle, a large number for a 6-piece burr.

The puzzle can be solved by a human being without computer aids even if you are handed the puzzle disassembled. There are only six assemblies, and carefully observing which piece can possibly fit where, you will eventually be able to find the assembly that leads to the solution.

As with many of our board burr puzzles, our original plywood is used for the puzzle. This time, Fijian Mahogany is used for the outer layer and New Guinea Walnut for the middle layer. For some reason, Juno forgot to brand his work and discovered this when we were taking product photos. It was a bit too risky to add branding after the pieces were glued and lacquer coated, so we decided to leave it be. We hope that the work itself tells that this is our product.”

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