Thursday, March 23, 2023

Free The Washer by Phil Wigfield

I normally don’t collect metal puzzles in fact my main focus is Juno & Alfons Eyckmans puzzles but Phil’s work is so special that I feel I need to make an exception.  As you can imagine turning these puzzles on the lathe is a very time consuming endeavour so Phil had started on this puzzle run last year so I was excited to see his most recent offering.  The Brass with Stainless Steel combination is awesome, if you decide to grab a copy I promise you won’t be disappointed, Phil’s work is spectacular! 

 Here’s Phil’s description:

“The aim is to  uncover the inner core from the outer core. To pre-empt the question; no – it is not a Revomaze so to speak. Currently there is no limit of the batch size that I will be making; in the sense that it is not a limited edition.

For me personally, the puzzle is very much about the machining side in the sense that I really wanted to push myself and achieve very tight tolerances of which nowadays people would run straight to a CNC machine instead of using any sort of manual lathe. Only once the puzzle is solved that the machining can be appreciated.”

Phil’s pic of a facing cut on his lathe

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