Monday, March 20, 2023

Macaron TIC - Laszlo Molnar by BAZ

This wild Turning Interlocking Cube (4x4x3) design by Laszlo is quite mesmerizing and very difficult.  There’s only 5 pieces, however the incredible dance that is necessary to assemble the two larger pieces is unbelievably complex.  I solved it a couple of times and from one time to the next I couldn’t remember the sequence and struggled mightily!

Jeff made a run of these back in 2021 (along with several other in this ‘Bakery’) designs by the incredibly talented puzzle designer Laszlo Molnar.  Unfortunately as Jeff set out to make a run of these puzzles he ran into a myriad of Shop issues that halted the completion of this project.  I was thankful that I was given the opportunity to offer the remaining puzzles from this run in Puzzle Paradise.

Other designs in these ‘Bakery’ TIC’s included; Cookie, Scone, Muffin, Cake and Baklava.

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