Saturday, April 24, 2021

12 Piece Sheet Metal Puzzle - Stewart Coffin by Jack Krijnen

I thought I might post about a puzzle that was discussed on the now defunct Renegade puzzler forum.  I had noticed a design by the legendary puzzle designer/craftsman Stewart Coffin that he called 12 Piece Sheet Metal Puzzle.  I emailed Stewart asking about the design and he told me it was something he threw together and had pretty much forgotten about it.  It peaked my interest enough to fab one up in metal as that was my previous occupation, but of course the incredibly talented Jack Krijnen decided to make a few in wood with spectacular results!  Jack had this to say about it:

"Stewart Coffin designed the 12-Piece Sheet Metal Puzzle in 1971. It is now in the Slocum collection at the Lilly Library. In 2009 it was discussed at the Renegades Puzzlers forum. It can also be made of wood! Johan Heyns provided drawings including dimensions. Jack Krijnen made a slight correction by adding a 60 degree mitre on the notches and was the first to make one. Unlike the metal version, the wooden one will not come apart in two halves. It's a coordinated motion puzzle with 6 pairs of 'sheets'."

Jack Krijnen donated the first wooden specimen to the Lilly Library via Jerry Slocum. He made 3 more copies; they are now (August 2011) in the collections of Johan HeynsJohn Devost and Jack Krijnen.

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