Monday, April 5, 2021

Belt Cube 3 - Osanori Yamamoto by Pelikan

 Only 3 pieces inside a frame with seemingly large openings.  This puzzle packs more punch than you would expect.  Designed in a classicly stunning fashion that you would expect from Osanori Yamamoto, this puzzle comes in either Purpleheart with Wenge pieces or Wenge with Purpleheart pieces.

Level - 10.2

Kevin Sadler wrote about it:

“This takes the usual packing puzzle which we love so much to a whole new level of frustration and cleverness. With a box/frame and holes in it and a few simple pieces to be placed inside which completely fill the aforementioned holes leaving no gaps visible, we usually have to create a 3x3x2 shape inside which, despite such simple shapes, is quite a tremendous challenge. This time we have a 3x3x3 cube to be constructed and two HUGE diagonally opposite windows to put pieces in and then fill. There is so much space to use that I expected this not to be much of a challenge… Oh, how wrong I was! Your usual play outside of the box reveals several simple shapesthat can be used to fill the visible 2×2 cubes on opposite sides. Getting these 2 cubes opposite each other proved quite a challenge.”

You Tube video here:  (Spoiler Alert)

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