Sunday, April 11, 2021

Fano Blocks - Brendan Perez by Cubicdissection

I'm a big fan of packing puzzles so when Eric offered this one, I just couldn't pass it up.  Very well made puzzle with a very difficult design!  Unfortunately they are now sold out however there are still some of his puzzles in stock at Cubicdissection 

The goal of Fano Blocks is to pack seven pairs of identical rectangular pieces flush into the box. These aren't just any pieces, however! They possess unique properties: any two distinct blocks share precisely one edge length in common and any set of two specific edge lengths are held by two identical blocks. The resulting number of edge-matching combinations creates a complicated problem. Finding even one of the eight possible solutions is an accomplishment.

Named after the Fano plane (the smallest finite projective plane with seven elements), this is an excellent puzzle for anyone into mathematics.

We used an extraordinary batch of Quartersawn Sycamore to make the boxes. By matching color throughout the process, we isolated gold-toned, two-toned, and a few strikingly white boxes. The bottom panel is solid Sapele floated in notches to allow for expansion. The seven-piece pairs are made from Leopardwood, Limba, Rosewood, Purpleheart, Zebrawood, Holly, and Yellowheart.

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