Monday, April 26, 2021

Broken Soma - Ken Irvine by Wood Wonders

Wow what a great puzzle design, when I first attempted to solve this puzzle it reminded me of Bill Cutler' 'Splitting Headache' and oh it is just as difficult!  If you fancy yourself a puzzle sleuth, definitely try and acquire one and then let me know how you make out!

Kevin blogged about it:

"Apparently, Ken had a wonderful idea to fiddle with the classic Soma cube (a puzzle that everyone should have in their collection). He decided that it was much too easy having a 7 piece puzzle to make a cube in one of 240 different ways. In his delightful/annoying way he decided to make it a 6 piece puzzle that only had one assembly! He named it the Broken Soma because he took the 3 voxel L-shape and broke each of the cubies in half before fixing them onto the 6 remaining pieces. Hence it is a "broken soma". Except, we all know the real reason it is only takes a short ¼ hour or so before anyone playing with it decides that he has taken a perfectly reasonable puzzle and BROKEN it! It seems bloody impossible!"

Here's what Brian said:  Please visit Wood Wonders to stay informed of his wonderful puzzle offerings!

"All I need to say is "Ken Irvine" and you know that this puzzle is great. Ken's designs are always amazing. This design had me scratching my head for days. It seemed so simple! What am I missing? Then one day, Aha!!!! A terrific design!"

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