Saturday, February 12, 2022

Juno Crooked 6-Piece Burr - Original Version

When I first received this puzzle I was somewhat taken aback by its disassembled state, it’s not all that easy to figure out it’s assembly and I’ll admit it took me much longer than it should have, it’s a very clever six piece burr design!

Juno’s work is simply outstanding, I’m not sure many realize just how amazingly superb his craftsmanship is!

This particular puzzle is still in stock so go grab one!

Be sure to see what’s available at Pluredro

Here’s Juno’s description:

“Juno designed this puzzle 30 years ago but he never opened the original design to the public. It only appeared on a Japanese puzzle journal. He also put the design of its coordinated motion version on his old web page. The latter design was produced in a very small quantity by a handful makers as well as by Juno himself, who made about five of them at the time.

This original version consists of three identical pieces and three mirror image versions of the pieces.  At first glance, all the pieces look the same. Each piece is made up of two red-brown L-shaped blocks which are connected by a crank-shaped element and is zigzag shaped. This characteristic makes it difficult to identify the head and tail of the pieces. Although this puzzle is not very difficult compared to most of the other puzzle products we have produced, it is confusing to play with the puzzle and many people find that the last piece will not fit in to the assembled shape even though the orientation of each pieces looks right.

The puzzle is good to for the purpose to make fun of your puzzle friends and it becomes even more effective if you have two sets of the puzzle. If your friend is smart enough to solve the puzzle in a short time with the original 3 + 3 configuration, disassemble it, secretly swap one of their pieces with one of the mirror image pieces in your puzzle, and then ask the friend to try it again. The puzzle can be assembled with 2 + 4 or 4 + 2 configurations and it becomes another challenge.”

Bubinga - Koto

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