Monday, February 14, 2022

Juno’s Southern Cross


I managed to acquire this puzzle recently and it’s another gem from Juno!  

I’d be remiss if I didn’t add how amazing Juno’s laminations are, I find myself staring at them constantly, his accuracy is unmatched in the puzzle community!

Be sure to drop by Juno’s website to see all that’s available, here’s the description from Pluredro

“This 6-piece board burr puzzle has a unique level 14-4-1-1-2 solution and it also has a unique assembly, meaning if you observe each piece carefully and consider its orientation, even a human being can solve the puzzle without computer aid. It doesn't mean the puzzle is easy, but still very challenging and difficult. The staggered configuration of the square shaped pieces gives you an uncommon feeling when trying to figure out which piece goes where.

The shape of the Southern Cross, the best-known constellation in the southern hemisphere, appears on each of the six surfaces of the puzzle when it is assembled. The assembled shape is stunning thanks to the contrast of the laminated three layers of exotic timber.

We have intentionally shuffled the color of the six pieces. PNG rosewood, the timber used for the outer layers, has a lot of color variation and we thought it was a good idea to enable our customer to enjoy the various grain characters of the timber.

The basic grid size of the pieces is 7 x 7 x 1 and it is the same as one of our former products Impenetrable Knot, but Southern Cross is much larger when it is assembled because of the staggered piece configuration. It took us more than three hours to cut a set of six pieces using a CNC router and Juno regretted that he should have made the puzzle a bit smaller.”

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