Tuesday, March 15, 2022

CM13 by Andreas Rover - Burrtools Creator - Made by BP&P - Peter Knoppers + Andreas Rover

This is a very cool puzzle that is very confusing to say the least, once you get it apart your on your own as the Coordinate Motion requires more than two hands to assemble..

Here’s Andreas’s description:

“My exchange puzzle for the IPP 28 in Prague.  As far as I know this is the worlds first multi-level coordinated motion puzzle. The puzzle requires 4 moves to disassemble and all of them are coordinated motion moves.

I designed the puzzle with BurrTools after I added the possibility to the program to analyze non-rectangular movements and coordinated motion moves in the triangle grid.

This puzzle has been the test case number 13. Some other test cases resulted in puzzles but all of them were only functional on screen and displayed unwanted properties as real live prototypes. For those interested: here is the BurrTools file. Keep in mind that the current public version of BurrTools can not analyze the puzzle it can only display the solution that is included within the file.

I brought 113 to the IPP some were made of Walnut some were Rosewood as on the picture. All of them are for the exchange.”

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