Saturday, March 12, 2022

Stepping Burr - Juno by Brian Young

I got this cool puzzle in a trade and as usual with any Juno design confusion sets in rather quickly.  Your first task is finding the piece position and then order, indeed no small feat considering it’s a level 10 assembly.

Brian beautifully crafted this puzzle adding native Aussie Timbers into the mix.

This puzzle was Exchanged at IPP 33 in Narita Japan by Lambert Bright, here’s Brian’s description at Mr.Puzzle:

“This puzzle was invented in January 2012 by Junichi Yananose. It has 6 different pieces and is a unique level 10 burr. The finished shape is very attractive with the two toned wood but having these two different colours does not give any clues to the solution.

It’s quite a different puzzle, about the same difficulty rating as Mega Six. If you’re good at burrs then it’s definitely doable but it might take a little while.

The puzzle is made from Mackay Cedar with Queensland Silver Ash trim.”

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