Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Tribord - Stephane Chomine by Pelikan

This is a very cool design by Stephane and beautifully crafted by Pelikan.

The movements are very smooth and makes this puzzle so much fun to play with!

Kevin Sadler wrote about it:

“Tribord consists of just 3 burr sticks in a rectangular frame. The construction is simply stunning and finished perfectly with contrasting slipfeathers and the smooth curved beveling makes it just so tactile. This puzzle has a relatively low difficulty level of 17.3.4 and is therefore suitable for all puzzlers including beginners to burrs. However it is not a trivial solve and there is a particular feature that any experienced burr solver will appreciate when seen. It's a nice logical sequence and it is perfectly feasible to reassemble it from scratch after scrambling the pieces. A lovely puzzle well worth adding to your collection.”

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