Monday, May 30, 2022

Triorchidism - William Ja by CubicDissection

This is a very cool puzzle design from William beautifully crafted by Eric.

Here's Eric's description from Cubicdissection:

“William Ja has knocked the ball out of the park with his first design. The cheekily named "Triorchidism" was inspired by our earlier "Box with Two Balls." William expanded the idea by increasing the playing area to a 3x3 space and adding the third sphere to create a more complex and difficult challenge.

The goal of Triorchidism is to remove all three marbles from the box. Confounding this is four wood pieces trapped inside. Moving the pieces and marbles creates an ever-changing hybrid interlocking maze which you must navigate by viewing through the transparent top and bottom. Requiring 32 moves to solve fully, many of them tricky and unintuitive, Ja has drastically upped the ante. This puzzle is a ton of fun to solve and offers great replayability.

Triorchidism ships in an unsolved configuration. 97 copies were made, each signed and dated. 54 Copies in Bubinga & Walnut, 43 copies in Black Palm & Sycamore”

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