Monday, May 17, 2021

Fidget Burr - Tim Alkema by Cubicdissection

This puzzle is only three pieces yet still packs a punch and with Eric's craftsmanship on full display it certainly doesn't disappoint!
There is some surprising moves with this one and once it’s completely apart, that’s when the really difficult assembly will leave you scratching your head, everything I tried simply refused to work!
I finally threw in the towel and resorted to Burrtools

Here's Eric's description from Cubicdissection:

"Fidget burr was an easy decision to make. A seemingly simple 3x3 cube, it's actually a five-piece interlocking burr with a level 12 solution. Three burr pieces nest inside two identical frame pieces. Disassembly of this puzzle is VERY tricky, with many false paths and dead ends."

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