Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Reticulated Cubes - Lee Sallows by Cubicdissection

When I first acquired this beautiful puzzle I didn’t quite realize just how difficult it would be to solve.  Once you start randomly selecting pieces to make a cube, you’ll discover clues to placing the pieces in the box in their proper slots.  I finally solved it after 6 cube assemblies and eventually solving all eight cube’s allowing me to place all pieces in their respective slots in the Tic-Tac-Toe formation!  It’s a very cool puzzle with a fun solve!

Kevin has a very nice blog about it!

Here's Eric's description from Cubicdissection:

"Reticulated Cubes is a fascinating exploration of 3x3 cube puzzles with a novel twist. Each box contains nine pieces, and there are eight possible cube solutions. The goal is to organize the pieces in the box such that any three pieces in a straight line will assemble into a cube (tic-tac-toe style). The solution is quite difficult to find"

Crafted from:

Black Limba, Walnut, Mahogany, Leopardwood, Wenge, Spalted Tamarind, Canarywood, Quilted Maple, Paduak, Red Grandis (Box)

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