Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Mystique - Alexander Magyarics by Wood Wonders

This another puzzle with only three oddly shaped pieces that really shouldn't have taken me as long as it did to solve.  Once you configure the pieces outside of the multiple open sided frame, you're work has just begun.  It's takes many moves to further your progress until you finally close out the openings.  All in all it has a very satisfying sequence of moves, Brian is likely to offer more of these in his next release so be sure to drop by Wood Wonders and pick up a copy!

Here's what Brian said:  Please visit Wood Wonders to stay informed of his wonderful puzzle offerings!


"Another of Alexander's creative packing puzzles is here! I really like the frame for this one, although it took me 3 or 4 prototypes to finally decide how to make it. The object here is simple. Get the three pieces into the frame and fill all the openings. Accomplishing this may be anything but simple though. I still have more of Alex's packing designs on my schedule, but this one was one I really enjoyed making. The granadillo version is rather heavy, (keep that in mind international buyers) and the primavera version shimmers in the light."

Level - 9.3.2

Granadillo Box/Curly Maple pieces


Primavera Box/Redheart pieces

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