Thursday, May 20, 2021

Pin Cube Series - William Hu by Cubicdissection

 These fiendishly difficult puzzles gave me fits for the better part of a couple of days, kudos to William with these clever designs!

Eric crafted these puzzles in Maple, Goncalo Alves and Walnut, here's his description from Cubicdissection:  Please be sure to visit his site to see what's available!

"The Pin Cubes series by William Hu are three new cubes based on a 3x3x3 structure. By including drilled holes and pins, each puzzle in the set takes advantage of this format in a different way and creates three very different experiences. Designed to be tricky in both disassembly as well as assembly, they are a new take on an old idea, and well worth a look. 

Pinwheel (Maple) is the easiest of the three. The most 'standard' of them, with five moves to remove the first piece - a level that's impossible to achieve with regular cubes in this space.

Pinprick (Goncalo Alves) is the middle difficulty and takes advantage of its form to include an unusual step that will amuse any solver expecting this to be a standard disassembly.

Pinball (Walnut) is the most difficult. Pinball is quite unusual; there is clearly a single movement that wants to happen, but it is stopped before completion. Finding the solution requires analytical thinking and a bit of dexterity."

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