Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Helical Burr 2 - Derek Bosch by Two Brass Monkeys

This puzzle ramps up the difficulty level quite a bit from Derek’s original version!

I can certainly attest to the difference in difficulty of this second version of Derek’s Helical Burr!  It seems like it took me an eternity to simply disassemble the four pieces.

Here’s the description from Puzzlemaster:

“A twisted concept that will stimulate your dna! 

Although the "Heel Lick All Bare, Too" puzzle looks a little like the Helical Burrand the name even sounds like it too, that is where the similiarity ends.

The Heel Lick All Bare, Too! puzzle is Derek Bosch's latest Helical design and is a major step up in difficulty.   It can be solved in 39 steps, and has several dead ends making it much harder than the 11 moves required for Derek's original design. The goal of the puzzle is simply to disassemble and reassemble the four pieces.

This puzzle has been printed in PLA with each print taking just over 18 hours to complete. It's unusually geometry is ideally suited for 3D printing. It has been produced by the Two Brass Monkeys.

The Two Brass Monkeys are Ali Morris and Steve Nicholls. They are two long time puzzle collectors (who each have 1000's of puzzles!).  They live near each other in the UK and are regular attendees at International and UK Puzzle Events.  

Their philosophy is simple! They make puzzles that they have designed and also designs by others that they would like to have in their collections. They have produced many puzzles in metal but are continually looking to expand their range of both materials and manufacturing techniques.”

Puzzle Guy on YouTube has a spoiler video.


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