Tuesday, July 20, 2021

PackTIC Series by Andrew Crowell

I have become quite fascinated with this series of puzzles by Andrew!  I had acquired Wood versions of both PackTIC #5 and #6 by Brian at  Wood Wonders so ultimately decided I needed to try all versions that Andrew has available.

I initially had #1 & #2 with the remaining ones arriving today!

If you’re a fan of the TIC type puzzles you owe it yourself to try them out!  Here’s my full review:

I initially tried PackTIC #1 and gave up and moved on to #2 and solved it after a bit of effort so decided to give #1 another go..well let’s just say my dyslexia kicked in big time.  I struggled for what seemed like forever with no luck getting it almost assembled except for what I thought was the last piece, that as it turns out was the first piece that needed to be placed!  

#3 was a somewhat easier task, however it required a little more planning with some tricky moves to assemble it!

#4 had a very cool assembly with one seemingly impossible piece placement that took a bit of time to finagle in!

#5 had me completely stumped and had to enlist the help of Andrew via Burrtools to get me over the hump!  Even after having both the Wood version and this printed one I still can’t disassemble it without BurrTools!

#6 was a very entertaining solve that I didn’t have too much trouble with!

#7 had a very tricky move involving two pieces that I initially thought couldn’t happen but it finally found its way home!

#8 will have to wait as I’ve moved on to the next one..

#9 is quite a tricky solve but did not give me too much trouble!

#10 this one has me stumped as well!

So after getting stumped on #8 and #10 I enlisted the help for both via burrtools from Andrew and I’ve come to the conclusion that neither are solvable with my mediocre skills, they require such unbelievable moves that I had a hard time understanding them even with the help of burrtools!  If you fancy yourself a truly gifted puzzle solver than I strongly urge you to grab a set of these and give them a go, but be forewarned they will torment you, especially #8 which is truly diabolical!!

Be sure to visit Andrew Crowell’s Etsy shop arcWood Puzzles to see his 3D prints that are available!

Here’s what Andrew said:

“These are 3D printed turning interlocking cube puzzles I designed.

The goal is to make a complete cube out of all of the pieces. 

PackTIC - 7 Pieces, 15 Total moves, and at least 3 rotations are required to solve.

PackTIC 2 - 6 Pieces, 22 Total moves, and 6 rotations required.

PackTIC 3 - 6 Pieces, 21 Total moves, and 5 rotations required. 

PackTIC 4 - 7 Pieces, 17 Total moves, and 5 rotations required. 

PackTIC 5 - 7 Pieces, 23 Total moves, and 5 rotations required. 

PackTIC 6 - 5 Pieces, 15 Total moves, and 4 rotations required.

PackTIC 7 - 5 Pieces, 19 Total moves, and 7 rotations required. 

PackTIC 8 - 6 Pieces, 13 Total moves, and 3 rotations required. 

PackTIC 9 - 7 Pieces, 17 Total moves, and 4 rotations required. 

PackTIC 10 - 7 Pieces, 18 Total moves, and at least 5 rotations required. “

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