Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 Flip Top Box by Jordi Gallen

This multi challenge puzzle is really cool and the print quality is absolutely perfect.

You’re able to quickly reconfigure the box to accommodate the four different lids as well as adding the required blocks.  I’ve never seen a reconfigurable packing puzzle before so when Jordi mentioned it I quickly asked him to send me a copy.

Now from a solving experience I can say that if the first ‘easier’ challenge is any indication, this will keep me busy for some time..

Here’s a YouTube video showing how the box can be quickly reconfigured.

Here’s a description from Jordi:

“I finished the design of the Flip Top Box Modular Series. This is a Soma based 3D packing puzzle. You can rearrange the box into 4 different puzzles. #1 and #2 are in the medium-easy side, #3 and #4 are deep in the dark side!

The goal is to fit all the seven Soma pieces under the hinged lids and inside the box.

Here there's a spoiler free video with instructions of how to rearrange the box and you can see how it looks like.”

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