Sunday, October 23, 2022

Line Up - Alexander Magyarics by Wood Wonders


I got this puzzle from Brian as he’s moving and he decided it was probably easier to sell as much of his current puzzles on hand to avoid unnecessary packing.

This particular puzzle is a gem of a design by Alexander and absolutely gorgeous work by Brian.  I spent quite a bit of time just shunting the pieces back and forth without ever really trying to solve it, it’s just so much fun and the fit is perfect!

As is often the case, I don’t solve my puzzles when I first receive them so after almost a year later, I did finally focus on complete disassembly.  It was surprisingly difficult as seemed to be getting stuck early on until I finally stumbled on the correct shift of pieces.  

Of course I then needed to get Alexander to send me the Burrtools file for reassembly and that’s when I really took note of my stumbling block.  This is a very clever design by Alexander and I highly recommend it, although it’s now sold out so you may have to keep an eye out at Puzzle Paradise or Cubicdissection Marketplace for a second hand copy.

It might be a little while before Brian gets his new shop up and running but be sure to drop by Wood Wonders to keep an eye on his future offerings.

Here’s Brian’s description:

“Line Up is tricky solve with 24 moves to remove the first piece! I think assembly of this puzzle may be a bit harder so if you want it shipped disassembled send me a note. No rotations allowed. Sometimes puzzles like this may allow a rotation and, of course, early in the assembly process rotations are possible, but not allowed.”


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