Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Inelegant Set of Six - Haym Hirsh by Brian Menold at Wood Wonders

I was stoked to get this Inelegant Set from Brian recently as he was in the midst of a move and needed to part with some of his inventory to ease the transition to his new shop.

These are clever designs by Haym and they are of course beautifully crafted by Brian!

Here's what Brian said:  Please visit Wood Wonders to stay informed of his wonderful puzzles!

Inelegant Soma

From the "Man of a thousand Soma variations" comes this latest clever design. Similar looking to the previously released "Inelegant cube and Inelegant Box" this uses slightly modified Soma pieces to offer the challenge.

Inelegant Box

This follow up to Inelegant Cube is the Inelegant Box. So named because there is a small void in the center. I decided to add the stand. Also the two corners of the puzzle, which were holes, have been filled with a block. Like the "Cube", the "Box" is made up of 4x5x6 unit blocks, however, these have been glued up into 6 "L" shaped pieces consisting of 4 block each. The "Cube" had 9 pieces of 3 blocks each. Based solely on the number of pieces, I think this is an easier puzzle than the "Cube", but let's see if your up for the challenge anyway.

Inelegant Cube

Nine pieces make a complete cube in this version. I think this may be the toughest (at least for me) to solve.

Inelegant Snakes

Haym's at it again. Here is his latest "Inelegant" offering. Inelegant Snakes uses the offset L piece that was used in his Snake Pack design. Except this puzzle uses both a left and right hand piece and they are made from the same 3x4x5 unit cubes as the other Inelegant puzzles. There will be holes on two opposing corners and a void in the center of the solved cube but the outside edges should all be even.

Inelegant Fake

My favorite of this series and a simple 7 piece puzzle, but is it?

Inelegant So-Ma

Haym is at it again! Not only did he come up with another soma variation, he made it a second soma version in the Inelegant Series! As usual, these are quite challenging. The altered Soma pieces assemble into a cube . . . one way! They have some assorted holes in the sides created by the irregular pieces. Let me also add that Haym puts a lot of thought into the name of his designs!

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