Sunday, November 20, 2022

Fairys Door Deluxe Edition by Michail Toulouzas

I’ve known Mike for a couple of decades now and he’s hands down the most talented puzzle craftsman, not only does he excel at making puzzles but some of his puzzle boxes are highly sought after around the globe.  He’s also mastered the art of wood turning and you can see a clip on his YouTube channel turning a knob for his Fairys Door.

Back when we had the Renegade Puzzlers forum we would often discuss various woodworking techniques and a sphere turning jig was brought up and sure enough Mike had a video of that as well!

Mike has a website ‘Puzzzlevision ’ that features most of his prior works, obtaining a piece from Mike is something of a challenge as his work is in such high demand and that brings me to the reason for this post.  Mike has crafted a ‘One of a Kind’ ‘Fairy’s Door’ to be auctioned at Puzzle Paradise shortly.

Here in his own words is his description:

“For information and to help me  add more people that may be interest in the ‘One of a kind’ deluxe edition Fairys door puzzle box.  I will say briefly that:

All fairys are 36 (+2 of IPPDC 34) + this one of a kind edition = 39 in total.

All 36 are the same!

The 2 from the puzzle contest have less details aesthetically because it was something I improved later.  (One of these copies is my own)

The ‘One of a kind’ has more final details aesthetically, different rare woods and an additional step in the solution.  

The wood in the Knob/Hinges and Magic Wand is Gabon Ebony.

What is cool about the Knob is that it has a loose ring in the middle but you can tell only in the video and not in the photo!

All I wish is that this copy will go to a home (or a museum) and that it will be respected accordingly.”

Stones are Greek Olivewood with a Palisander Frame

Door is Zebra wood (Quarter-sawn) - backings are Muteneye

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