Tuesday, November 15, 2022

9 Theta - Jerry Loo by CubicDissection


This is a very nice design by Jerry and Eric’s craftsmanship is excellent as usual, using Purpleheart for the pieces and Maple for the frame.

I’m still in disbelief at Eric’s sudden passing, this is another puzzle that was on its way to me before this happened so and I still find it difficult..

Jerry also has blogged about this cool design.

Here’s the description from Cubicdissection:

“Made in the same fashion (and intended as a companion to) 2014's "Rail Box", Nine Theta takes the same piston concept even further down the road. While the solution is a couple moves fewer than the Rail Box (15.3 instead of 18), it's more confusing due to the increased number of pieces. This is a damn difficult puzzle, even for the seasoned collector!

Construction of this puzzle is excellent, with through cage joinery, milled solid pieces and bevels all around. Fit is dead-on.

48 copies made for sale, each signed and dated. This puzzle is shipped assembled.”

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