Friday, November 4, 2022

Three-Piece Block - Stewart Coffin Design #38

I recently got a nice version of this puzzle that uses large blocks, it appears to be one that may have been available at Puzzlemaster.  If you don’t mind watching spoiler videos, check out PuzzleGuy’s solve.  This puzzle stumps even now after having made and solved many over the years!

I’ve previously blogged about this design but recently noticed that Stewart updated his description.

Here’s Stewart’s latest description from his Compendium:

“I dashed off the design of this simple puzzle in response to a request from a New York advertising agency, whose client, Citibank, wanted hundreds of them for use in some sort of sales promotion scheme. The base of it presumably resembles Citibank’s corporate logo. I also made some for general sales. What a surprise it was when friends started reporting it was one of their favorite puzzles, much more confusing than I had at first assumed. 

You never know. The designer of a puzzle may not always be the best judge of its difficulty, since he or she does not usually have the opportunity of trying to solve it. Three-Piece Block has been reproduced by other craftsmen. Several minor variations are possible.”

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