Tuesday, November 8, 2022

In Memory of Eric Fuller - CubicDissection


I’ve blogged about many puzzles crafted by Eric but sadly now find myself trying to come to grips with his passing,

Not only was Eric a terrific puzzle craftsman/designer he was generous to a fault.  

My first encounter with Eric was back when he would sporadically make extra copies available for sale which would eventually become the foremost online seller of high quality puzzles at CubicDissection.

Now I’m referencing early 2000 and as you can imagine the internet wasn’t what it is now so I was initially crafting puzzles and started supplying Bill Cutler with some of his Box Packing designs.  As luck would have it I started doing Stewart Coffin designs and thought I’d send a sampling to Eric to see if he wanted to sell some at CubicDissection.

At that time Robert Yarger and Mark McCallum were already selling their puzzles so I became part of the group in ‘05/‘06.

One of my other addictions at the time was pen turning and I used to nag at Eric to offer them at CubicDissection but of course he didn’t want to venture away from the puzzle focus so he eventually came up with his Portable Pen PuzzleBox to hold a pen Pencil set that I turned.  

Not many know that we also had a forum to talk about designs, tools, techniques..etc, the camaraderie was quite amazing with some crazy build stories to boot.

I know for a fact that Eric had many more designs that had yet come to fruition so hopefully the remaining team at CubicDissection can carry on his mission..rest in peace brother!

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